23 May 2010

Sun, Sun, Sunday!

Today was all about parks. I had glorious plans to try all kinds of settings, views, composition, etc. What I didn't plan for was the approximately 5,000 people who also thought going to the park was a fabulous idea. Who can blame them, a bright sunny weekend day after 16 of the last 22 days were rainy, it was good to get out! So I'll just talk about what I did get. I started at the township park which is really nice. I need to get the neices there soon. This is a covered walking bridge connecting the trails from one side of the park to the other. The pond isn't enormous, but there were many folks fishing, optimistic that while modest, hopefully it was stocked. I didn't see any fish come out on hooks, so I'm not sure it really is. There is also a great play area for kids. I would like to try to catch movement, but that was difficult to do without kids with me. I didn't want to be the creepy camera lady in the distance. So, I saved that for another day too.

Here is a pond shot. I was trying to get the "story composition" (front, middle, back) part right, but really, it still looks like too much water to me. Feel free to make suggestions in the comments sections on how I can fix that in the future.

My next stop was the city park. Also, great play areas, ball fields of assorted kinds, a pool, and thousands of more people in the way. So I kept going. My last photo stop was the state park in the next county over. On my way out of suburbia to the country I came across several horse farms and equine riding centers. I made a mental note to return and try to catch some of the horses out.

The metro park is also a protected wetlands. I tried to understand the depth of field settings by taking several of the same shot and adjusting along the way. Here are a couple samples. The first one has a clearer overall view, while the second one is intentionally focused closer with a blurred background.

In the smaller play area in the metro park, there was a very cool climbing structure. It's a bad angle, due to the stuff behind it, but I was trying to exclude all the folks trying to take in the sunny day and their less-than-appropriate-for-the-website apparel.

Isn't this the most interesting piece you've seen in a while? Most playgrounds now have all those toys where even the most balance challenged and unsupervised child cannot hurt themself. This one still looks fun!

Thanks for taking the park tour with me, hope your Sunday was sunny too!

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