No, not to Grandmother's house, just trying to get to my house.
The other day we did get the snow that was promised, and the traffic tie-ups that followed.
I grew up in part of the U.S. affectionately referred to as the "snow belt" because when the storms come through, they get far more snow than any where else. Sometimes also called the "rust belt" for the damage done to cars (before the technology kept this from happening) due to months of snow, salt and other things on the roads. This means I learned very young how to drive in snowy conditions. The key being, slower (but not dangerously so) speed, lower gear, more space between me and the next car, and take my foot off the gas to slow down, don't slam on the brakes and all-wheel drive is great, but not everything. I no longer live in that area and the folks where I live drive as though they have never seen snow - every time it snows. And let me tell ya, it's winter a solid 4 months here. We've had bad weather before. Here is an example of problems with people who fail to acknowledge winter - and don't brush the snow off their cars before heading into bumper to bumper traffic. Hmm, I'll never understand this at all.
It is 10 miles from where I work to my house. That's all, 10 miles that took more than 2 hours of drive time to accomplish. After about half way home I decided if I was going to be that late, I might as well peel off near the park and take some pictures. So I drove into the parking area, which had zero tire tracks at this point (but I do own an all-wheel drive car, so I'm good), gathered my camera, hat, gloves, and zipped up the ski jacket to tromp through the woods. It was snowing pretty well, but I loved the quiet after all that stress on the roads. My destination was a path that I have been using for a 4 season project. Here are the first 2 seasons:
And here is the winter version, which had a little surprise:
There's a bridge in there!! I have never seen that before. I usually take the photos down that direction, but walk the other way through the park because the river is the other way. I did not venture down to see where the bridge went on this day. It was really cold and I was starting to shiver already. I will go back soon and see where the bridge takes me. I'm sure it would have been hilarious to see me standing there, completely shocked by the presence of a mere bridge. It was like a fun reward for pushing through the traffic to get the snow pictures that day.
Colossians 1:11 Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power,
unto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness
Although I posted a sky photo Friday, with very little of anything atmospheric,
later in the day I saw small rainbows on either side of the FINALLY visible sun. It was a very unique event.
I was only able to get a clear shot of one of them at a time.
(Cell phone photo, not fabulous) The rainbow is on the left on this shot and look - Sun!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. It's a balmy 3 degrees here today, I'm thinking indoor activities and crafts.
I'll venture out tomorrow to the vacation expo, time to look for travel ideas!