16 April 2012

time out

It's official, I have more to do these days than I have time in the week.  

I'm not exactly sure how that happened!  

I love sharing my adventures with you all and will be back at it in a few weeks.  In the meantime I do hope to pop into your blogs when possible and share your fun!  

Enjoy Spring,


10 April 2012

SOOC flowers

Joining a SOOC challenge today over at pullingmymaskoff.

I really enjoy the paper-like quality of the white flowers and the pretty blue of the ground cover flowers.  I appreciate how the gardeners used all of the available space, but didn't crowd anything.


09 April 2012

spring pop of color

One of the best parts of spring is when the tulips in front of my work building pop open.  There are thousands within the median and it makes everyone's day start beautifully.  This year there was a surprise, multiple colors!

In years past there were only white and red, which is also beautiful, in its own way. 

Kudos to our fabulous grounds staff!  


04 April 2012

everyday miracles

These are the buds and blooms on the tree I walk by every day into work. 
 I shot these last week on a perfect sunny day, with blue skies, and a summer like breeze. 

I was using my 35mm prime lens and enjoy the results very much, as these are all SOOC.

Of course, that fact that they are perfect little miracles to start with, helps a lot!

Have a happy day!
